A True Look At Success
As I get ready to release my first book The Sport of Life: Reaching True Happiness & Success Through Fearless Living next week, I have been thinking a lot about success and what it truly means in life. So many people have skewed and warped ideas about what it means to live a successful, happy life. This world has taught people that to do be successful you:
must have a lot of money
must have certain possessions (such as the latest iPhone)
must have a particular career (musician, actor, athlete, CEO, lawyer, doctor, etc…)
Did you notice the word MUST in that list? Another thing the world teaches you is that you MUST do whatever it takes to get it, including things that are wrong or illegal as long as you don’t get caught! It’s a system that keeps you broke, unhappy and never satisfied. In my book, I describe it as the instant gratification trap, “That seduces us to march to someone else’s tune and define success by it. It can come in the form of things, experiences, or people. That is, we can desire a new phone, want to eat at an expensive restaurant or mingle with certain people to make us feel happy. When the latest version of the iPhone comes out, there is a giant line up outside the store. Everyone wants an iPhone, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but then two weeks later, our attention diverts to something else, and we want that new and different widget. Isn’t that so?”
What Is True Success?
I have come to learn that real success and happiness can never be determined by anyone else, it can only be determined by you. So what do I mean by that? Let’s take a look at another excerpt from the book.
“True success for me is knowing that I have given my best to a worthy cause, something that makes somebody else’s life a bit better and, in the process, makes mine better too. Success is about who you are, not what you own or with who you hang around. ”
True success is having a deep sense of contentment and peace. That for me is a success, and I chose it, not someone else. I took the time to study myself and arrive at that definition, and perhaps others share that meaning as well. Anyone can have that contentment.
They can know that their actions have helped others and have given something to someone, however, small it may be.” Never let anyone or anything tell you what makes you feel happy and satisfied, if you do, you will never actually get there. When you think that money, things or positions will make you happy, you get caught in a trap that can give you momentary high (if you reach it), but then you come crashing down as the next thing that you don’t have is presented.
Thankfully, you can determine success in your life. Thankfully, you get to decide what makes you happy. The most critical thing is to know that you have the choice and that is what my first book is going to teach you. How to get rid of the things that are stopping you from making the right choice and then how to make the right choice for you. I am so excited for you to get this book. This has been months of hard work and a releasing of all the lessons I have learned in life and practice everyday. I wrote this book to wish you all well and to say thanks to all who have given to me. Its official release is next week, and I will be sending out emails to let you know how to get it for free.