“When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret herefor anyone who can grasp it.”
I ran across this quote today and was simply put to ease, I became calm, quiet and happy. It was as if all the confusion in my head subsided and all was clear to me.
There is a word in Hindi called “Parrithoos” it means to experience a deep sense of contentment. That is what I feel at this moment as I share these words with you. I know I have tried to share this with you before, that there is no need to chase things outside of yourselves to gain happiness. That you don’t have to do anything or have anything to become happy; that in fact, by simply being happy, you will attract to yourself the very things that you require.
This quote above seems to completely capture that with such beauty and simplicity that many words are not required. I must share that as I write these words, I am in fact sitting at the Olympic Games in Rio and within the athletes village itself. This is of course would seem the exact opposite environment of what Shams-I-Tabrizi would have seen as an ideal state; for here it is about fuelling oneself with the opposite of contentment but rather with extreme hunger to accomplish that which has not been done before. I, however, thing it even applies to this very environment as well.
There is a sport psychology term known as ” the ideal performance state’ Or IPS that we learn is very similar to a type of contentment that Shams-I-Tarizi spoke about. It is the state in which an athlete or competitor of any sort can see themselves outside of themselves; to literally be able to watch oneself and ones movements/ motivations and desires without an expectant outcome. By having the ability to do this, one becomes more aware, clearer and focused on the task at hand because there comes with this a type of letting go that says ” no matter what the outcome, that too will serve me ” .
Imagine yourself being in that state! Would you not also feel calm, quiet and happy? This philosophy can be applied to anything in life, be it home, business or personal relationships. I encourage you to use this as a subtle meditation for yourselves and create a happier environment in your own lives. Remember you are creating your own reality every minute of every day.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to know more on this topic